Privacy Policy

(Australian Privacy Principle 1.3 – 1.6)

1 Introduction

(a) We are committed to protecting the privacy of personal information which we collect and with complying with applicable obligations under the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) (the “Privacy Act”).

(b) In this policy, personal information and sensitive information have the same meanings as under the Privacy Act.

(c) This policy sets out our commitments to you about personal information and sensitive information we may hold about you.

2 How do we collect and hold information about you?

We will generally collect information about you (whether personal information or sensitive information) and other information directly from you but also from others who provide the information to us in person, via phone or via our website(s) or social media platforms (including via cookies).

3 What information about you do we collect and hold?

3.1 Personal information

(a) The types of personal information we collect about you will be directly related to the specific purpose for which it has been collected. How much personal information you choose to disclose to us is completely up to you but limited information may mean we are unable to process your request or provide you with the relevant product or service.

(b) The information we collect will include a range of your name, date of birth, email address, phone number(s), street address and banking or payment card information as relevant and are collected when you engage with us, including when you:

(i) make a donation or provide a grant to us;

(ii) request information about your eligibility for affordable rental housing provided by us;

(iii) apply for affordable rental housing provided by us;

(iv) make an enquiry, provide feedback or make a complaint to us; or

(v) apply for employment with us.

3.2 Sensitive information

We do not generally collect sensitive information unless it is relevant and we have your prior consent.

3.3 Web information

(a) When you visit any of our websites, the relevant site server by automated means (such as cookies) makes a record of the visit and collects the following information:

(i) your server address – to enable us to tailor the website to your interests and requirements;

(ii) the date and time of your visit – to enable us to know the website’s busy times;

(iii) pages accessed and documents downloaded – to inform us about popular and important documents;

(iv) duration of the visit – to tell us how interesting and informative the website is to you;

(v) the type of browser used – for browser specific coding; and

(vi) your domain name or IP address, computer operating system, browser type and screen resolution – to enable us to optimise the website for different browsers.

(b) You can change the privacy settings of your browser; in particular, you can refuse all cookies or opt to be notified each time a cookie is sent to your computer. By blocking or deleting cookies used on our website(s), you may not be able to take full advantage of everything on our website(s).

4 What will we do with information we hold about you?

(a) We will take reasonable steps to protect your information and to protect information from loss, misuse, and unauthorised access, use, modification, disclosure, alteration, or destruction.

(b) You should keep in mind that the transmission of information over the internet (including by email) is not completely secure or error-free and you should take care in deciding what information you send to us via the internet.

5 Use and disclosure of information

5.1 Personal Information

(a) We will only use and disclose your personal information for the purposes for which you provide it or a related secondary purpose which you would reasonably expect (including as stated in our specific collection statements). This includes, for example:

(i) providing information about your eligibility for affordable rental housing provided by us;

(ii) assessing your application for affordable rental housing;

(iii) responding to any enquiries, feedback or complaints made by you;

(iv) providing you with email newsletters to which you have specifically subscribed; or

(v) assessing any application for employment with us.

(b) We may disclose your personal information to:

(i) other companies or people that we have your consent to share the information with;

(ii) other entities which are our affiliates; and

(iii) contractors and third party service providers that we engage in the ordinary course of our business where necessary to enable us to provide you with products and/or services.

(c) We may disclose your personal information to other companies or people that we have your consent to share the information with, and contractors and third party service providers that we engage in the ordinary course of our business where necessary to enable us to provide you with products and/or services. We do not, generally, disclose your personal information to recipients outside of Australia. If we do so, for example, where a cloud service provider creates a backup of our data and stores that backup overseas, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that your personal information is handled by any overseas recipients in accordance with the Privacy Act and our instructions for the purposes described above. By providing us with your personal information, you consent to this disclosure of your personal information.

(d) We, or third parties engaged to act on our behalf, may contact you from time to time with marketing material about our products or services, where you have consented to this or where we believe you would reasonably expect us to do so. You may opt out of receiving this material at any time by taking the steps in any “unsubscribe” instructions we send to you or by contacting our Privacy Officer.

5.2 Sensitive information

We will never disclose your sensitive information unless we have your consent to do so.

5.3 Web information

We will only use web information for statistical and administrative purposes.

6 Retention and destruction of personal and sensitive information

(a) We will destroy or de-identify your personal and sensitive information as soon as practicable once it is no longer needed for the purpose for which it was collected. However, we may be required by law to retain your personal information after your relationship with us has expired.

(b) We will take reasonable steps and use appropriate techniques and processes in destroying information.

7 Openness

(a) You may request access to information we hold about you by contacting the Privacy Officer – address below. If it is information that you are entitled to access, we will endeavour to provide it to you in a suitable way (e.g. emailing or mail). We may charge you a fee to cover our costs.

(b) You may request us to update or amend information we hold about you; we will either amend the information, or make a record of your request, as appropriate.

8 Questions and feedback

(a) If you have any questions or feedback about this policy or our commitments to you please contact our Privacy Officer:

Privacy Officer
Chief Foundation Limited
Suite 201, Level 1,
3 Australia Avenue,
Sydney Olympic Park, NSW, 2127
Tel: (02) 9763 0433

(b) We commit to respond in a timely manner.

(c) If your feedback is a complaint, we will advise what (if any) action we consider appropriate to take in response or if we do not agree with you, we will provide reasons. If you remain unsatisfied you can contact the Office of the Australian Information Commissioner (

(d) This policy is effective from 11 September 2023. We may change this policy from time to time. Although we intend to observe this policy at all times, it is not legally binding on us in any way. From time to time we may regard it as necessary or desirable to act outside the policy. We may do so, subject only to any other applicable contractual rights you have and any statutory rights you have under the Privacy Act or other applicable legislation.

Policy and revision history:

Approval and adoption of policy: September 2023

Due date for next review of policy: Prior to second anniversary of approval and adoption date.


(Australian Privacy Principle 5.2)

This collection notice relates to personal information collected by us in connection with our general fundraising and community engagement activities.

Who is collecting the information?

Chief Foundation Limited ABN 76 665 058 793 of Suite 201, Level 1, 3 Australia Avenue, Sydney Olympic Park, NSW, 2127.

Our contact details are as follows:

Privacy Officer
Chief Foundation Limited
Suite 201, Level 1,
3 Australia Avenue,
Sydney Olympic Park, NSW, 2127
Tel: (02) 9763 0433

How is the information collected?

We collect personal information from people who wish to donate, provide grants to us, request information about eligibility for affordable rental housing provided by us or apply for such housing, enquire about working with us, or otherwise wish to support us.

Is the collection required under a law or Court order?


What are the purposes of collection?

The purpose of the collection is to process your donation or grant, provide information about eligibility for affordable rental housing provided by us, assess your application for affordable housing, assess your enquiry regarding working with us, issue receipts, maintain records and to respond to your feedback or concerns. The purpose includes inviting you to participate in other our activities and to find out about other opportunities to support our work or support us.

What happens if we don’t collect this information?

Without this information we are unable to process your donation, provide information about eligibility for affordable rental housing provided by us, assess your application for affordable housing consider your enquiry or application to work with us, or provide you with newsletters or updates regarding our work.

Can you be anonymous?

You can request that we don’t record your name when you donate; however, we still need to confirm your identity before we can accept your donation or receive a grant. We also need to collect sufficient information from our applicants for affordable rental housing to assess the application, maintain appropriate records and ensure that our eligibility requirements are met.

To whom do we share this information?

We share this information with other affiliates of ours and service providers, such as information technology or other service providers.

Do we share the information overseas?

Generally no, although on occasion backups of data stored on our cloud servers may be replicated on other servers hosted overseas.

How can I access and seek correction of this information?

Information about how to access and seek correction of personal information we hold about you is contained in our privacy policy.

How can I complain?

Information about how to complain is contained in our privacy policy. You may also direct complaints to the Australian Information Commissioner as